Welcome to Holy Trinity!

Holy Trinity Episcopal Church is a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan. The Episcopal Diocese of Western Michigan is a part of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Together, we are members of the worldwide Anglican Communion, the third largest Christian communion on Earth with over 70 million active members.

We are grateful you have found Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and hope you find all the answers to questions you might have about Holy Trinity and the Episcopal Church. Below, you will find commons questions:

When do I need to arrive?

Our Sunday worship service begins at 11 a.m. and takes place in the sanctuary. One of our greeters or ushers will direct you and can assist you with seating.

What is the Sunday schedule?

Holy Eucharist – 11 a.m. 

Coffee Hour – The 1st and 3rd Sunday immediately after service.

Where is Holy Trinity Episcopal Church?

5333 Clyde Park Ave SW Wyoming, MI 49509

What programs do you have for children?

Children of all ages are welcome in worship services.

What should I wear?

Wear what you feel comfortable wearing. On Sundays you’ll see everything from jeans to suits.

How do I follow along with the service?

As you enter our sanctuary, one of the ushers will hand you a service bulletin. It contains the scriptures we’ll hear, the hymns we'll sing, and the prayers we’ll say together. In your pew, you will find a smaller red book with a cross on the front, The Book of Common Prayer. This book provides the basis for our liturgy.

When do I sit, stand, or kneel?

Members at Holy Trinity generally stand to sing and pray, and sit to listen to scriptures and the sermons. Useful directions will be included in the bulletin itself.

May I receive Holy Communion?

Our belief is that the Table is God's, not ours. God welcomes all people seeking Christ or a deeper knowledge of him to come forward for Holy Communion and take the bread and wine.

If you are uncomfortable taking the bread and wine, come forward to the altar rail and request a blessing by simply crossing your arms over your chest. The priest will bless you.

What happens if there’s severe weather?

Closing the church for services is extremely rare.  However, information can be found on our website, Facebook, our phone outgoing message, as well as:

In a traditional Christian context, an "apology" isn't saying "I'm sorry" for something. In its most basic sense, Christian apologetics refers to a systematic discourse. Even further, it means that an alternative view of a topic is offered in an organized fashion, and as an intellectual defense of a particular theological truth (without being argumentative). It is with this in mind, that the following "apology" is offered in response to the homophobia which remains prevalent in many countries and cultures.
